Bullet Multi-Tool and Liner Lock Seat Belt Cutter Pocket Knife
$ 29.95$ 17.95 SALEBullet Multi-Tool and Liner Lock Seat Belt Cutter Pocket Knife
$ 17.95$ 29.95This is a beautiful rescue knife. Keep in the car or wear on your side. A great tool for any first responders. The Bullet Multi Tool is 8" long open...View full product details → -
Middle Finger Necklace With Hidden Neck Knife
$ 17.95$ 5.99 SALEMiddle Finger Necklace With Hidden Neck Knife
$ 5.99$ 17.95The Middle Finger is one of our best sellers. Let em know how you really feel. 3-1/2" long with a hidden 2 and 3/4" 440 Stainless blade and handle. This necklace is a rather...View full product details → -
Survivor Folding Trench Shovel 24"
$ 34.95$ 9.99 SALESurvivor Folding Trench Shovel 24"
$ 9.99$ 34.95Knowing how to survive and providing the tools to survive is what ESKNIVES has become known for. This is our Survivor Shovel. Compact easy to carry shovels can be the...View full product details → -
Thunder Rescue Axe
$ 39.95$ 19.99 SALEThunder Rescue Axe
$ 19.99$ 39.95Our Thunder Rescue Axe is ready for those big Jobs. 15-1/2" long with a 8" Axe Head. Made from high quality stainless steel (full tang) with a Teflon baked coating. ...View full product details →