
Extremely Sharp Life: Welcomes Guests Bloggers

We are excited to start our guest bloggers series at Extremely-Sharp Life.

Guest Blogger WantedDo you have something great to write on that fits with the ES life?  More guest bloggers wanted! We would love to hear from you!  Contact us via twitter or comment on this post and we would love to talk with you!  
 Over the next few months you can expect to read some awesome content from all kinds of Extremely-Sharp folks. Hunters, fishermen, outdoor survivalists, professionals who specialize in adventure, wildlife photographers, and much much more!

Don't miss a post!  Subscribe to our blog. 

Posted by ES Team on 31 October, 2014 ES family, hobbies | 0 comments | Read more →

October Giveaway Winner: The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit

We know there are some big fans of The Walking Dead in our community, and we're right there with you. As we all got more excited for TWD to return, we figure that we have to do our part to get every prepared so we put together the Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit and teamed up with some AWESOME partners like The Talking Walking Dead to spread the word.

When we do a giveaway we do it right!  This is one of our biggest prizes to date, but don't worry if you miss it. is going to be doing more and more awesome prize packs. Just check our facebook page and you'll never miss one.  Plus if you sign up for our email list, you get one entry into every giveaway!

We thought we fans until we met Iain at The Talking Walking Dead...dude is extreme and awesome in his love for TWD. If you're not already a fan of their Facebook fan page, head over there right now.

October Giveaway - The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit

Grand prize included:

We loved the activity from you guys. Ultimately though, only one person could win the prize. Matt Anderson of Hartland, WI was the lucky guy this time. Congrats!

I think he was's a few tweets from Matt:



Posted by ES Team on 30 October, 2014 contest | 0 comments | Read more →

Home on the Prairie: First Pheasant Hunt reached out to Richard Cockrell of Rock Ridge Outfitters to write about his first Pheasant Hunting trip. He graciously agreed to tell us all about it.  Read his story below about this great trip to South Dakota. 

Home on the Prairie

Pheasant Hunt Richard Cockrell of Rock Ridge OutfittersMy first and most recent hunting trip took me from my home in Youngstown, Florida to Geddes, South Dakota. There I met Joel Vasek owner and guide of Missouri Valley Guide Service. I was joined by my stepson Jeremy and my fellow working companions: Dan, Mickey and Steve.  Steve is a long time friend of Joel and together they planned a top notch hunting trip for the next three days. Let me say that the MVGS lodge is a first class operation with all the amenities anyone could ever ask for, and we did not have to want for anything. The meals were all included in our stay, and you could not ask for better service than what we received. 
The first morning out the weather was dreary with light snow flurries that turned into a misting rain. Despite the weather the hunt was on! For my stepson and me the weather was a big change. When we left Florida it was 85 degrees. Now we were in South Dakota in weather that was topping out at a mere 27 degrees.  After a tasty breakfast we all got our hunting gear together and prepared to load up on a converted (short) school bus for our ride to the hunting fields. The hunts took place in cut corn fields, milo fields, and some natural cover. This year the pheasant population was supposed to be 60% less than last year but this was not to be the case for us. Joel was able to put us on and abundance of pheasants both hens and roosters. However, you can only harvest the roosters.

Pheasant Hunt Richard Cockrell SuccessWe tackled each field in the grand tradition of pheasant hunting. A few hunters (generally the bravest) stand at the end of the fields they are known as the blockers. The other hunters will drive through the fields to the opposite end they are known as the walkers. The walkers along with the dogs flush up the pheasants and with any luck the pheasants will flush up between the walkers and blockers. Hunters shout out “Roosters!” or “Hens!” and the shooting begins. With some luck a pheasant will plummet to the ground and the dogs are sent to retrieve them.

All three days were filled with plenty of hunting action. The second and third day the weather cleared and the hunting was spectacular. You could have not asked for anymore hunting action than we were able to experience. If the percentage of pheasants were down it must have been elsewhere. In our case we all got our pheasant limits all three days.

I have to say that pheasant hunting has become my favorite type of hunting now.  I have hunted for deer, quail, turkeys, ducks and now pheasants. The hunting action, the dogs working and the fellowship of my stepson and co-workers was the make of a exciting hunting trip. I’m hooked!

Let me say that Missouri Valley Guide Service has a great reputation, impeccable service and outstanding pheasant hunting.  I highly recommend them and I commend Joel for having a first class operation. We are already booked for this time next year, and I can not wait to be back there.

What is your favorite kind of hunt?  Where do you like to hunt?

Posted by ES Team on 29 October, 2014 get outdoors, hunting | 0 comments | Read more →

Surviving the Wire Ring Saw

There are many types of Wire Ring saws out there. They are included in most survival kits. Wire Saws are light weight and they are supposed to cut through wood, metal, plastic and bone. Wire saws can be handy out in the wilderness. They look cool in the survival kit but many perform poorly out in the field. The first rule of thumb is to buy a good one. That way they won't snap when you need one.

We sell a wire saw at Extremely-Sharp that has over 100 lbs breaking strain with a 24" sawing edge. With that type of strength it may well be the most effective wire saw available. Our saw cuts through wood, plastic, bone, and even soft metals. They are constructed with 8 strands of interwoven stainless steel wire.  We call it the strongest wire saw ever.

Wire Ring SawYou can cut from the front or from back.  The most efficient method is the wrap around pull.   However you decide to use your saw it is much like flossing your teeth, nice long strokes.  The wire ring saw works well using the saw alone.  But a partner, one person on both ends make cutting faster and easier.The rings of the wire saw can hurt your finger.  The rings  get cold in winter.   There are some wire saws that come with nylon handles, but they are heavier in a pack and bulky in a survival kit.   An easy fix for handles is to take some additional para cord with you and make handles for your saw.  Most people in a survival situation have access to para cord.  When camping or backpacking para cord is a vital item to pack. Hand straps can save your fingers.

Start your cut small and slow.  As the cut deepens the surface area will increase.  With a even steady pull your speed can increase.

Remember that you are using energy when using your wire saw. If you are in a survival situation make sure the job is necessary before you expend the energy.

Wire SawYou don't want to let the saw blade get hot.
  The hotter the blade gets the more potential for snapping and breakage.   While cutting with your saw take some breaks and feel the blade.  If it does not burn your fingers it is OK to continue sawing.Wire saws are designed for smaller sticks.  In most survival and camping situations you will not need to cut large trees.  You never know when you might need to cut bone.  These saws cut bone fast and smooth.

You can take your wire ring saw and turn it into a bow saw.  Find a smaller branch that can bend.  Green wood works best and is easier to make a bow with.  Notch both ends of your bow and string the bow with your wire saw.  Now you can saw from the top.   Don't rush it, let the saw do the work.  Using the bow saw means a  lot less effort and less calories.  Using the wire saw as a bow is one and half times faster than using a plain wire saw.   Using your saw in a bow helps prevent breakage of your saw, keeping your wire blade straight.

Wire Saw Diagram

A wire ring saw is a great addition for anyone whether for survival, backpacking or camping.  Wire saws don't weigh much and  well worth packing.Maintenance of the wire saw  is easy.   They store well.  It is important to keep a coat of oil on your saw to prevent rusting.  The oil will ensure years and years of hard use  from your saw.

When you are out practicing your survival skills your wire saw can be used for survival projects.  We have used our wire saw as a snare and have had good results.  With a little imagination the wire saw makes survival fun.

Posted by ES Team on 28 October, 2014 camping, get outdoors, how-to, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

Honoring Your Service - Thank You Veterans

Extremely-Sharp has great respect for those who have served our nation.  We honor your service. We thank you for the freedom we enjoy. You are in our thoughts, our hearts and we pray for each of you and honor the sacrifices you've made. 

Bless you for being willing to serve this great nation and fight for freedom. 

This powerful photo of a widow laying on the ground in this cemetery, is a great reminder that freedom is not free.

Wife Honoring Veterans Day

What an amazing photo of military under our nations flag!

Honoring Veterans Day Flag

Generations come together in thanking and honoring our military for their service. She is proud to be an American and showing her thanks.

Honoring Veterans Day Parade

Veterans day - shadow of soldiers who serve our nation with pride. Honoring Veterans today, and everyday.

Veterans Day Honoring All Who Served

Honoring all who served.

Honoring Veterans Day Flag in Wind

Red white and blue. Wearing your uniform with pride.  Thank you Sailor. We salute you.

Honoring Veterans Day Sailor

Need a Facebook cover or picture for a tweet to show your thanks to Veterans?

Honoring Veterans Day All Who Served

Honoring Veterans Day with Baby Girl

Freedom is not Free. We pray for those who serve, but also for their families.

Honoring Veterans Day Remembering All Who Served

Historic black and white photo. This fills me with pride and patriotism for America the Beautiful!

Honoring Veterans Day Flag Lift

What does this historic photo of the flag being raised make you feel? 

Posted by ES Team on 27 October, 2014 ES family, history, holidays | 0 comments | Read more →

Hobo Backpacking Stove Packs a Whole Lot of Power

Being a backpacker I am always looking for ways to lighten my pack. I thought I would look for a lightweight, easy to use stove that I could use wood as the fuel  That way I would not have to carry fuel and that would lighten my pack. I immediately thought about hobo stoves. Hobo Stoves are traditionally made from old coffee cans and use wood as the fuel source.  Of course a coffee can would be too big for my pack. Maybe I could make a smaller one.

I measured my backpacking pot that my kitchen fits in.  I needed a can that would be slightly larger than my pot.  That way my pot would slip in the stove for storage taking up less room in the pack.  Off to the grocery store I went with my measuring tape.  I started looking at cans and I started measuring.  I am sure I looked a little silly in the isles measuring cans.

I stopped in the Juice isle.  The large juice cans looked like they might be what I was looking for.  I measured and they were just the right size.  My pot would fit nicely inside the juice can.  I settled on the V-8 can.  Not because I like V-8 but because it seemed to be the strongest can.  I needed a can that would take a beating.

I got home and I started designing my stove. I think my design came out pretty well.

Here is our video explaining how we made the stove.

My son an I have taken this stove out on the trail several times. It performs well. Collecting a few sticks, using some tinder and a fire starter you are on your way to a hot meal. I have been able to boil water in around 8 minutes after lighting the tinder.

Here is our video using the stove and boiling water.

The pot will get black from soot with regular use. You can wash some of it off but everything fits into a sack so there is no dirt or soot in the pack.I did learn to use hardwoods when cooking. Pine tends to burn hot and leaves a resin on the pot.

My whole kitchen fits in the stove and then in a stuff sack. Takes up little room and weighs around 14 oz. The best part is that I don't have to carry fuel. I don't even have to carry tinder if I don't want too. I can find tinder on the trail. But a few cotton balls weigh almost nothing and are easy to light.

ESknives Hobo StoveYou can pack this stove and your alcohol stove. This stove makes a nice windbreak for the alcohol burner.

The Good – it’s very easy to make and there is plenty of fuel for it here in the Maine woods. A few handfuls of twigs and you’ll be able to boil a couple of cups of water in no time.

I like the way the stove focused the heat, which meant no wasted energy.

It’s lightweight and if you were so inclined carrying it around wouldn’t be a big deal.

I used hardwood twigs (oak) and there were very few sparks from this fire meaning that I’d feel comfortable using this stove in an area where there was a high fire hazard. By being extremely careful or through sheer dumb luck I’ve never lost control of a fire yet!

The Bad – it needs a lot of attention once you light it to keep it going. The wood used is fairly small and you need to feed it every five minutes or so or else the fire will go out.

If it’s raining starting this stove and keeping it going will be a bear. I haven’t tried it in the rain yet, but past experience with wood stoves tells me this will be tough to keep going unless you have a dry supply of wood on hand.

I’m going to replace the coat hanger with a couple of aluminum stakes the next time I use it.

Posted by ES Team on 26 October, 2014 camping, get outdoors, how-to | 0 comments | Read more →

Sword Fighting From Our Past

We have many left overs from our sword  fighting past.  Here are just a few:

Marine Swords part of our sword fighting past

- A man buttons his coat left over right  leaving his right hand free to draw his sword.

- We shake hands to show we are not armed

- A gentleman escorts a lady by the right arm because his sword hangs on his left.

- With the touch of a sword a man is knighted.

- With the breaking of his sword a man is disgraced.

Posted by ES Team on 25 October, 2014 history | 0 comments | Read more →

Awesome 'Dinosaur' Prank: Raptor Chases Man Through Mall (video)

This Japanese dinosaur prank is pretty terrifying but very funny. Watch as this a Japanese TV prank show recreates a very 'Jurassic Park' moment.

To be fair, I'd probably react like this too...

Sketch Empire comedians joined up with the team from KHA Entertainment to scare the crap out of random people in Columbus, Ohio.

Posted by ES Team on 24 October, 2014 humor | 0 comments | Read more →

Carrying a Knife Could Save Your Life

Firearms concealed carry or open carry, where it is allowed, has become more common for people to have a way to defend themselves in today’s world. This option is fine when you have it, but there are times when that is not possible but carrying a blade is. Let’s be honest many places we go the problems for legal carry might not be worth having your favorite pistol on your hip yet those same places will never question a knife.

Daily needs wallet, keys, and knife.Prices along with styles of good carry blades varies widely. Some folks have plenty to spend on high end blades but I have found over many years and many different brands this is not necessary to have something that will hold up. Some of my carry knives I bought for very little when I found a good sale others cost quite a bit because it was one I wanted and had extra to spend at the time. Like everything you do get what you pay for so if you buy a less expensive piece check it out first to be sure it will last. There are many reasons why someone might not carry a firearm, I can think of just as many why they could carry a knife. Having said that just sticking a random knife in your pocket is a good way to get hurt if you ever need it. Just as with firearms you need to know your weapon and how to use it. This takes training along with finding a blade that works for you.

Personally, I carry some form of folder preferably without a serrated edge. I have several I carry depending on whether they will be used for work that day or if it is just a carry weapon but I know how each works along with its limitations. One of the main things you need to understand using a knife in a defensive situation, it is not like a movie, people don’t automatically fall over if they are cut. You need to learn to cut key locations then get away from the threat not hang around to see if his buddy shows up. Don’t be a hero if you can clear the area without using your blade do it but if you are forced do not hesitate a second unless your plan is to become a statistic. 

Carry knife ESknivesAfter picking a style that works for you spend time getting used to how it works, how it feels in your hand and how it moves when needed. If you pick a folder spend time learning to open it without thinking about it that, fraction of a second when it fails to open from lack of practice can mean a lot. If you pick a fixed blade decide how you will carry it and where then learn to get it into a ready position as quickly as you can. As with a handgun every step in the process is important and muscle memory plays a huge part. Practice, there is no substitute.

Unlearning what you have seen on TV and movies is next. Body shots with a knife are not what you should be thinking. Cuts to disable your opponent’s weapons, remove mobility and deprive them of the means to continue an attack are what is needed. I teach three main areas to concentrate on when faced with this situation. The inside of the arms especially the lower arm (flexor muscles), the thigh above the knee and below a man’s pocket and the back of the upper arm (triceps). The first and last areas disable the arm and hand while the second puts the attacker on the ground if things go right preventing movement.

Remember one thing, this is not pretty, someone maybe you, will get cut. There is a lot of blood, a lot of adrenaline flowing and not a small amount of panic. Unlike the majority of defense involving a gun this is face to face as close as it gets.

Good knives to carry ESknivesYou never know...carrying a knife could save your life.The use of any weapon is a last resort; most people including me never want to be put in a position of no choice. There are consequences to their use not the least of which will probably be dealing with law enforcement and the mental aspect after the confrontation. Having said that I will fall back on the old saying “I would rather be tried by twelve than carried by six.” If someone seeks to do me harm then they had better be prepared for what they find chances are they won’t like it and I hope it is the same for you. Be prepared and aware so you and yours’ can stay safe.

Posted by ES Team on 23 October, 2014 self defense | 0 comments | Read more →

Throwing Knives and Adventure Shape the Divergent Movie Trilogy

The first of 3 movies in the Divergent trilogy takes the stage in early 2014. The future citizens of Chicago are divided into five factions, each must uphold a particular virtue of humanity. Think Hunger Games and The Maze Runner with much more action and throwing knives.

So this movie is already a front runner for something we know we’ll love more than any other action packed trilogy out there because what could be better than danger seeking AND throwing knives. Nothing, we know. It’s very exciting that the art of throwing knives is getting big screen attention because we think they’ve been underrated for years anyway!

Sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior must take a test and make a choice that determines if she will see her family again. Her choice takes her on an incredible adventure that Frodo would be proud of. What we really like is that Shailene Woodley who plays Beatrice "Tris" Prior spent 6 weeks straight learning to properly throw throwing knives for the movie, and she’s AWESOME at it.

Divergent comes out in early 2014 with plans for Insurgent already planned. We’ll see if Allegiant makes it but from our friends that have read the last book, we’re probably good with just seeing the action from the first two.

Divergent Quote | Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up.

Divergent Quote | Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible.

Divergent Quote | I'm divergent and I can't be controlled.

Posted by ES Team on 22 October, 2014 movies, quotes | 0 comments | Read more →

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