
Posts in the survival category

Survival with Bandanas

When I am out in the wild for more than a day I always think about survival. I only want to carry a certain amount of weight. When you are walking around in the wilderness weight is important. You only want to burn the calories you have to and at the end of the day you don't want to be to tired to do want you need to do to set camp and eat. Each survival tool I choose to carry is important. The more tasks they can accomplish is a factor on what to include. Bandanas are perfect. They are lightweight and have many uses in survival situations.

Bandanas are cheap. Because of their lightweight you can carry a couple if you want. I use my bandanas for many things. They are of course great sweatbands and head cover to prevent heat exhaustion. When not on my head I may tie a bandana to prevent sunburn or keep warm in cold weather. I soak my bandana in water and wet tie it around my neck to keep cool. When in camp I Pick up my pot, wash my dishes, and wash up with my bandana.

I have used my bandana to tie items on my belt loop or my pack. I tie my sierra cup on my pack with my bandana. Bandanas are usually a little lighter than those expensive clips and utilizing items from home saving money.

Bandana and Survival

A few years ago I was in a pretty good dust storm and used my bandana as a dust mask. It worked great. Regularly I wrap a stone in my bandana tie a cord to it and throw it over a limb. This is a time savor when making shelters. I have also used my bandana to make cordage. I rarely take a tent, usually just a blue tarp. I can throw a tarp up quick at the end of the day.

I have used a bandana to filter water. There are better filters but a bandana isn't bad and is better than nothing, especially if the water is muddy. I have problems sometimes with my feet on the trail. I usually have moleskin for those hotspots but I have cut up my bandana and put them on those hotspots. Blisters in the wilderness suck!

I use my bandanas to clean my glasses and my camera lens. When I forage for food I use my bandana to hold berries and such.

There have been times when I am out that I have used pieces of my bandana for firearm cleaning patches and wiping them down with gun oil. I have black powder friends that have used bandanas as bullet patches for muzzleloaders.

I have never had to do this, knock on wood, but a bandana makes a nifty sling for an injured arm or wrist. A bandana would make a great tourniquet if needed. You can also us a bandana as a sling to throw a rock at game. I have never done this either.

A few other things I have never done with a bandana but could if I wanted to: Waist Pack, Mark a trail, eye patch, ear muffs and a hobo pack. Bandanas can be used as toilet paper but I am thinking this would be a one time use. People report using a bandana as a signal flag by tying the bandana onto a stick.

For me a bandana is a must have on my pack, in my bug out bag and in my survival gear. A bandana is as important as rope or duct tape. But best of all a Bandanas best use always is to catch a sneeze.

Posted by Don Uhlir on 23 November, 2015 get outdoors, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

How to use a Firestarter

I have spent considerable time out in the woods. There is nothing like a good week or so backPacking trip to get you back in the right frame of mind. Being away from civilization gives one a greater perspective of the world around us as a whole.

Being able to build a fire is a survival tool that anyone who spends anytime out in the wilderness should know. I will bring a lighter but lighters fail and if that happens you are SOL unless you know how to use a fire starter.

To start a fire in the woods you will need two things: tinder and the fire starter.
Posted by ES Team on 06 March, 2015 camping, how-to, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

How to survive any animal encounter

How to survive any animal encounter, including bears, lions and aliens...Oh my! Click for infographic.
Posted by ES Team on 02 February, 2015 self defense, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

Can't save the world - then prepare for it's end

Can't save the world - then prepare for it's end. Check out the pic
Posted by ES Team on 31 January, 2015 quotes, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

Guide to Doomsday preperations and essential supplies

Hope you enjoyed the guide to preparing for Doomsday. Now go check out our Extremely-Sharp Survival Gear and stock up!

Posted by ES Team on 22 January, 2015 how-to, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

Zombie Survival Guide

Zombie Survival Guide 

Your Zombie preparation kit has some basic essentials: Survival knife, Stormproof matches, first aid, flashlight, hydration, energy food, signal mirror, cast-iron skillet,. If there is a better place to get a survival knife than, we haven't found it. A family owned business with every knife you could possibly want or need. 

The impending zombie apocalypse is nothing to joke around about. Ladies, do not date a man that can not show you his plan for the zombie apocalypse. If he doesn't know how to protect you, keep looking. 

Zombie Survival Gear

What are the essentials you will need to fight off a Zombie and defend yourself?  You can get the knives you'll need at Our family owned business has every knifeyou need, and we have great guides to tell you how to care for your knives

Posted by ES Team on 19 January, 2015 humor, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

Survival guide to allergy season

Survival guide to allergy season and seasonal allergies

Now that you understand your allergies, you can get outside and go camping. First stop by and get your camping and survival gear. You'll love our family owned website. Get all the knives you need for camping, fishing and hunting at 

Seasonal Allergies

A fantastic infographic about Seasonal allergy facts. Such as:  4 million workdays lost per year due to hay fever, 20 million in the U.S. suffer from allergies to dust mites, 10 million suffer from allergies to cat dander, 35 million suffer from pollen allergies, 1 in 5 people in the U.S. have allergies, 14.5 billion is spent on average per year due to allergies. What causes allergies? (Allergens, antibodies, mast cell, histamine)  

Posted by ES Team on 17 January, 2015 how-to, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

Zombified - The Ultimate Plan

Prepare for the Zombies

You know you need a plan, you just haven't gotten around to it.  The time is now, my friends, the time is now. Zombies don't care if you're ready. They will TAKE YOU OUT.

There are many plans available out there, but having the weapons to defend yourself and loved ones is first and foremost!  Luckily has all you need for surviving the Zombie Apocalypse.

Just remember, while a sword or shotgun are cool weapons, the most effective defense against walkers is lightly jogging. Stay fit folks.


Ask me about my zombie plan

Do you have a plan?

The impending zombie apocalypse is nothing to joke around about. Ladies, do not date a man that can not show you his plan for the zombie apocalypse. If he doesn't know how to protect you, keep looking.


A few suggested plans, put into a nice infographic so you don't have to read too much:

Zombie Emergency Procedure Inforgraphic

as well as this nice plan: Zombie Survival Guide 

Your Zombie preparation kit has some basic essentials: Survival knife, Stormproof matches, first aid, flashlight, hydration, energy food, signal mirror, cast-iron skillet,. If there is a better place to get a survival knife than, we haven't found it. A family owned business with every knife you could possibly want or need.  Every home needs a Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit!


Prevent Zombie infections by washing your hands

Prevent Zombie infection- Wash your hands!

In case of Zombie break glass

Every home needs an "In Case of Zombies Break Glass"  kit like this.


Keep Calm zombies

Stay Calm and don't get infected.  Panic makes you not think straight that is far to close to being a zombie for my comfort level.

A good blowgun will get them from far away.

It's nice that Zombies love you for what is on the inside.


If you need directions on killing a zombie- here is a simple step by step process:

1. Get Sword from

2. Aim for Neck on Zombie.

How to kill a zombie

Zombie bed sheet set

Turn our Awesome SURVIVAL KIT into a great Christmas or Birthday gift.


Scarecrow zombie wants brains

Don't be SCARED. With some protection close by, they will not be eating you.

Deep thought: if a Zombie Apocalypse happened in Vegas, would it stay in Vegas?


Count how many zombies you see in this picture. The longer you stare, the more zombies appear!


Magic Eye the more you state the more zombies appear

What are the essentials you will need to fight off a Zombie and defend yourself?  You can get the knives you'll need at Our family owned business has every knife you need, and we have great guides to tell you how to care for your knives


I love zombies movies
Zombie movies are good for helping you prepare for what may be coming.

Also, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has some great tips on Zombie preparedness for you to check out.


snoopy and the peanuts gang zombies

Once your are infected, there is no going back. Snoopy has to protect himself and you may too.

A nice sword, some knives, and a few blowguns to get started...


Zombies eat brains. You are safe

zombie uncle sam poster

Since Zombies really only eat brains, I think You're Safe.


Daryl Walking Dead Redneck

Zombie Apocalypse Preparation

Oh yeah- Make fun of the Redneck... until the Zombies come and now you NEED us.

Best protection against Walkers is lightly jogging. Stay Fit.

Then use your fitness tools to protect the house.


Want some reading material to build your defense plan?  Follow this link to the Zombie Survival guide to purchase on Amazon.


While does recommend having a plan for zombie survival, we also think a little time on a life plan is also advisable.

Lay College Senior Zombie Prep

Zombie warning sign

Posted by ES Team on 22 November, 2014 hobbies, how-to, humor, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

The importance of survival preparation

Incoming Survival BabyWhen crap goes down, how will you care for yourself or your family?  You'll need stores of food for a while and you'll most certainly need weapons to protect yourselves.  Some basic tools like an axe, wire saw, machete, duct tape, fillet knives, fire starter, multi use tools... etc are going to be things you can't live without.

Don't be caught unprepared. Have some basic knowledge of preparation and have the tools you will need.

Have enough food in your home to get your family through a few weeks. Can goods, noodles, bullion cubes, foil, powdered milk, sugar, instant coffee, fruit drink mix, powdered eggs, dry beans, lentils, rice, baking powder, etc. There are many websites on this- if you know a good one, leave it in the comments below!

Survival Prep Rotating Can Foods  Survival Preparation Can Rotation

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Duct tape has endless numbers of uses.  You should have a good supply of it - just in case. Here are just a few of the areas that it could be used in emergencies:

Survival Duct Tape Arrow

Duct Tape Survival Emergency Stretcher

This emergency stretcher is just this: for use in an emergency. Always use caution in transporting an injured person.

Duct Tape to Fix Wounds Survival Tip

Using Duct tape to care for a wound: After bleeding stops and the cut is cleaned, trim ¼- to ½-inch-wide strips of duct tape long enough so they will extend at least 1 inch beyond each side of the gash.

Starting in the middle of the wound, apply strips of tape in pairs: First, attach the end of each strip to opposite sides of the cut. Then, gently pull the strips to close the wound, and adhere the loose ends to the cut’s far side. (Fig B). Continue placing pairs of tape strips above and below the center closure (allowing 1/8 inch between strips of tape) until the wound is fully closed. Dress the cut to keep dirt out, and check it regularly for signs of infection.

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Hunting is more than just knowing how to take down a few squirrels or deer. You'll need to skin them and know how to cut them up.

While you're out in the woods hunting, we recommend you carry a few things with you: A Machete, the canvas bag and essentials (see below)

Fillet knife venison cut chart Deer


Take some time and study how you can live without electricity.

Survival Prep starting a fire.

Knowing how to start a fire is no easy task.  It takes know how - it takes practice.  We highly suggest grabbing one of our fire starters to have close by in your survival prep kit. There are several options for fire starters in our Survival area.

Cook an egg in an orange survival preparation

Simple ideas for cooking over a fire are good to know. For example using an orange to cook an egg is a clever idea we have seen.

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family survival plan

green house underground survival preparation

Survival gear keep safe on hike  Survival prep canvas 3 day pack

Knowing how to stay protected and keep warm on on long hikes - in search of food, firewood, shelter, etc. will be an important thing to learn as you start on survival preparedness. The importance of survival kits can not be stressed enough. You'll want a good canvas bag that you can keep things in: Axe, Wire saw, quart of water, food (jerky, nuts, power bars, MRE's), fire starter, bandana, flash light, multi tool knife, hat, sunscreen, bug spray, water purification tablets, can opener, gloves, etc.

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Wire Saw Survival

Axes, map of town, saw, survival books,

Other things to have: Tarps, plastic sheeting, glow sticks, flash lights, batteries, sew kits, First aid, floss, caste Iron cookware.


Posted by ES Team on 19 November, 2014 how-to, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

Sardine Can: Survival in the Wild

Sadine Can Survival

I am one of those people that believe Survival skills are important. When you are in a survival situation you never know what you may have to work with. I like to look at my environment and play a little game. I will pick something out and figure out ways I could use the item as a survival tool. Today I was in the kitchen and saw some sardines in the can. I wondered what could I do with a Sardine can in a survival situation? This is what I came up with.

Something real easy would be a signal mirror. Polish the bottom of your sardine can and you get a real handy signal mirror. perfect for your survival kit.

If you had an unopened can of sardines you could of course eat them. They are a great snack full of protein. Save some of your sardines, they make make great catfish bait or use them in a crawdad trap or minnow trap. Racoons love sardines. Making a trap and using sardines as bait may bring you some well needed meat in a survival situation.

If you are backpacker a large Sardine can makes a great little frying pan. Could be a great little addition to your cook set. If you have two sardine cans you have a pan and astove. Fill a sardine can with cotton balls and pour alcohol on them, light it and you have a useful stove. Another way to make a stove out of a sardine can is to take cardboard strips and melt hot wax onto them. Light the strips and you have your stove or you have a great emergency fire starter.

Sardine Can Stove

Sardine Can Stove

After eating your sardines, leave the oil in the can. Find some cotton string or better yet some jute cord. Set the cord in the oil and leave around one inch exposed. Now you have a grease lamp. Light the wick and you are ready to go.

Sardine Can Lamp with Sardine Oil

Sardine Can Lamp with Sardine Oil

If you happen to be in Green Bay, Wisconsin you can go to The Sardine Can for a drink and some fun.

Sardine cans are used to make small survival kits. Personally I do not like the the commercially available sardine cans survival kits. Mostly they are cheesy with survival items that are way below standard. But You could fill an empty sardine can with smaller survival gear, wrap the can with a good amount of duct tape and now you have your gear, a water resistant can, and duct tape, which is possibly the greatest of all survival tools.

With a little imagination and know how you can take almost objects and find great survival uses.

Posted by ES Team on 10 November, 2014 how-to, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

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  • Survival with Bandanas

    When I am out in the wild for more than a day I always think about survival. I only want to carry a certain amount of weight. When you are walking around in the wilderness weight is important. You only... Read more →