
Posts in the camping category

How to use a Firestarter

I have spent considerable time out in the woods. There is nothing like a good week or so backPacking trip to get you back in the right frame of mind. Being away from civilization gives one a greater perspective of the world around us as a whole.

Being able to build a fire is a survival tool that anyone who spends anytime out in the wilderness should know. I will bring a lighter but lighters fail and if that happens you are SOL unless you know how to use a fire starter.

To start a fire in the woods you will need two things: tinder and the fire starter.
Posted by ES Team on 06 March, 2015 camping, how-to, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

It feels good to be lost in the right direction

Picture of what how it feels good to be lost in the right direction
Posted by ES Team on 28 January, 2015 camping, quotes | 0 comments | Read more →

Dos Equis Man Camping

Why does this always happen when I move to another side of the campfire?
Posted by ES Team on 27 January, 2015 camping, humor | 0 comments | Read more →

Pinterest Fun

These are some of the best things we've seen on pinterest. Even if you're not on it, check them out.
Posted by ES Team on 24 January, 2015 camping, fishing, get outdoors, hobbies, humor, hunting, self defense | 0 comments | Read more →

7 Types of Campers (infographic)

Great infographic of the 7 types of campers.
Posted by ES Team on 23 January, 2015 camping, hobbies, humor | 0 comments | Read more →

Time to Start Camping!!!

Time to start camping!!! I love camping!!!

Snoopy Camping with Woodstock

Posted by ES Team on 11 December, 2014 camping | 0 comments | Read more →

Getting the Tents Ready

Labor Day Weekend is the time. This is the time my Son and I have planned our next backpacking adventure. We are going to the mountains!

The key to a successful backpacking trip is proper planning and good equipment. Today we went through our equipment, decided what we have and what we need. Today we started our lists.

Shelter is a high priority when you are out in the wilderness. We are ultra light backpackers and we attempt to shave off ounces whenever possible. I have been able to get my winter pack, with 5 days of food, down to around 38 pounds. Light weight yet effective shelter is a must. Our goal is less than 2-1/2 pounds. My Son has a bivy tent and I take a kelty tarp. His tent is off market, but a nice tent none the less. With poles and stakes it weighs around 2-1/2lbs. My Kelty tarp is the large tarp. I like the large tarp because it can be used as a gathering place and is nice to sleep under. In a major storm I can roll up in it with my sleeping bag and stay warm and dry. My Kelty Tarp weighs in at around 2 pounds with stakes. I use my walking stick as a pole.

Backpacking Tent  Backpacking Kelty Tarp

Backpacking Bivy tent

 We have not been backpacking in a couple years so today we decided to prepare the tents for our trip. Preparing a tent for a trip means seam sealing and waterproofing.

There are many ways and many products to complete the waterproofing process. I am going to share how I waterproof a shelter.

We set up our shelters to make sure that we had all the parts. Once the tent is set up it is time to silicone. Spray silicone or spray waterproofing, is inexpensive and works well. When spraying silicone on your shelter you spray it like you were spraying spray paint trying to get a good coat but not to thick. Be sure to focus on the seams. During a warm afternoon it takes around about to dry fully. Your tent is now waterproofed.  

 Waterproofing Tent     Waterproofing Kelty Tarp

Waterproofing is not enough. If you are going to have a leak on the trail it will probably be through a seam. Seam sealing is the next step. There are lots of seam sealers out there. Some are rather pricey. I use an inexpensive sealer that can be bought in any camping section at K-Mart, Wallmart or Target. I have had good luck with the lower end seam seal.

Turn your tent inside out and apply the sealer per directions. It is not hard to do. A hard flat surface is necessary to apply the sealer to the seam. The key to seam sealing is being slow and steady. Take your time and get the sealer into all the seams. Let your tent dry over night and put in it's sack.


Seam sealing a tent     Seam sealing tent for backpacking

Your shelter is now ready to go. This process should last one or two seasons with no leak problems.

I will continue to make updates on the upcoming backpacking trip.

Posted by ES Team on 08 December, 2014 camping, ES family, hobbies, how-to | 1 comment | Read more →

Mosquito repellents: what's fact or myth? (infographic)

Elderberries Mosquito Repellent
Do Mosquito's long for your sweet blood?
Don't stop being a sweet person, but do try some of our tips to keep them off you on your next camping trip:

When selecting where to pitch your tent, place the tent entrance facing into the wind to discourage mosquitos from congregating.

Avoid mosquitoes havens: don't camp near wet or swampy areas. Wear neutral and light colors while backpacking and hiking. There is some evidence that mosquitoes are attracted to darker colors more than lighter colors as well as contrasts in light and dark. Light colors may also make ticks more visible that might crawl onto you.
If you don't like to use mosquito repellents: try the leaves from elderberry bushes! Just crush & rub them on your body or place them in your clothing.  
Mosquito Magnet Infographic
Mosquito repellents: what's fact or myth?
Posted by ES Team on 15 November, 2014 camping, get outdoors | 0 comments | Read more →

Tips for Choosing that Perfect Campsite

There are several things to consider when choosing your campsite:

Tips for choosing a perfect campsite
  • Choose a level and shaded site.
  • The site should have good drainage in case of wet weather.  A storm can come on very quickly, and you should be prepared even if the weather looks good just in case.
  • Make sure that there is a good place to dispose of garbage.  If you cannot dispose of garbage away from your campsite in a closed container, make sure that there is a tree at least 60 yards away that you use to lift the garbage bags into, and always take your trash with you when you leave
perfect campsite
  • Make sure the restroom and bathing facilities are within a reasonable distance.  You do not want them too close, but if they are to far away, it will be difficult to get to them in the dark.
  • If you have not brought your own water/beverages, make sure the water supply is nearby.
  • It is also important to consider the layout of the campsite.  Is the site large enough to meet your needs?  Where will you put your tent(s)? What area will you use for meal preparation and cooking & what about your picnic table? How about your campfire and wood piles?  Is there an area for activities? Where do you park your car?

Posted by ES Team on 13 November, 2014 camping, get outdoors | 0 comments | Read more →

Altoids Tin Firestarter: Survival Skills That Can Save Your Life

Altoid Tins make great survival tools.  There are many sites and you tube videos that give directions on putting together an Altoid Tin Survival kit. I thought I would do something a little different with my Altoid Tin. I like fire starter kits. I decided to put together an Altoid Tin Fire starter to help you with your survival skills.

ultimate survival blastmatch firestarter

Fire starter kits are simple. You need some type of tinder, and a fire starter. The trick is figuring out how to get it in an Altoids Tin. I like to take a premium fire starter when I am out in the woods. I like a lot of spark. I normally take a blastmatch with me because it works with a one hand single motion. I tried the Blastmatch and it would not fit in the tin. I settled on an Swedish Army Fire Starter by Light My Fire. They make spark that comes out as hot and ready to perform.

altoid firestarter kit

Now the tinder. I chose cotton balls and petroleum jelly. Cotton balls are light, easy to light and burn for a long time. Dip them in petroleum jelly, they light that much easier and burn that much longer (around 3 minutes). I added cotton balls and put some petroleum Jelly in an old balm jar. A rubber band holds the kit together in your pack. You now have the perfect tool for survival, light and compact.

altoid can firestarter kit

As you look at the picture you can tell I added a Meyerco Dew Claw. These are small, lightweight and could be used to scrape tinder from different sources.

altoid can firestarter kit wrapped

The next step was to try out the kit. Looking at the picture it worked just fine.

altoid firestarter kit fire

Posted by ES Team on 05 November, 2014 camping, survival | 0 comments | Read more →

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