Super Bowl Party in Afghanistan

Supporting Our Troops
Saturday, March 17, 2012
10:41 AM
Super Bowl Party in Afghanistan
We at Extremely-Sharp were happy to help a few of our troops celebrate the Super Bowl. No matter what our political beliefs may be I think it is important for all of us to join together and support our troops that put their lives on the line every day to defend our Constitution so we here can live with the Freedoms that we enjoy. I'd tip my hat but hey….. I only got the one arm. After all, my left hand is not my hat tipping hand.
When Platoon Sergeant from TASMG TF 12 DET 4 Harold Compton asked me for help with their Super Bowl Party over in Afghanistan I was more than happy to help out. We sent several Smith and Wesson knives out to Sergeant Compton to help out with the cause.
There are some things that are more important than business and the bottom line. Supporting our troops through it all is one of those things. My Son-In-Law is over there. His wife and daughter are here. We all worry about his well being every day. We all sacrifice through these tough times. I thank all the men and women serving our great country. I am grateful we were able to help play a small part in making an intolerable situation a little better.
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